The file formats that we accept are: AI (up to latest CS), EPS, PDF, TIF and JPG.
If your document was created in Adobe Illustrator (save as version 11 or lower), please make sure that any placed or embedded images are in CMYK color format and at a resolution of 300 dpi. Please convert all fonts to outlines. If your artwork was created in Adobe Photoshop, please make sure that your document is flattened and converted to CMYK color format. Please include 1/8" bleed on design. ONLY vector artwork (outlined art in Adobe Illustrator, or EPS format) will be accepted for bottle stoppers, adklips (except direct-imprint adklips) and non-slip pad orders. Artwork may be e-mailed to up to 10MB, or contact us for instructions for uploading larger files to our FTP site.
No charge, please specify any PMS color codes on your purchase order and artwork files. On orders that are printed in CMYK, we will do our best to match the color as closely as possible.
If you need help creating artwork, we offer graphic design services to customize your imprinted items at a rate of $50 NET per hour.
Varies on each product. Call for exact specifications. Prices on all imprinted products include enlarging or reducing logo to size and typesetting up to eight lines of copy. If additional art charges are required, you will be notified prior to production.